Everyone with type 1 diabetes takes insulin as a medication. And some people with type 2 diabetes take insulin too, as do some people with other types of diabetes including gestational diabetes.
You can inject insulin or it's released using an insulin pump that attaches to you.
How does insulin work?
Insulin is like a key that helps unlock your cells and allows glucose (sugar) in your blood to move into your cells where it is used for energy. And insulin also helps the body store any extra glucose.
You get the glucose from the carbohydrates you eat or drink – which your body breaks down.
With any type of diabetes, you have too much sugar in your blood because glucose can’t get into your cells to fuel your body.
Using insulin as a treatment
Insulin is one of the main treatments prescribed to help people with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels and reduce their risk of complications.
Taking insulin on its own is not enough to manage your blood sugar levels. You also need to keep as active as your general health allows and eat a healthy diet. This will help keep your blood sugar levels to target range. And reduce the risk of long-term complications.
Your blood pressure and blood cholesterol also affect your risk of developing long term complications.
Getting to your healthcare appointments and diabetes checks are also important. That way, many complications could be prevented and any damage to parts of your body can be picked up early.
Tips for insulin storage
1.Keep spare vials or cartridges of insulin in their boxes in the fridge.
2.Check the pack for the expiry date and don’t use it if it has expired.
3.Don’t expose insulin to sunlight or high temperatures, so no leaving it in the car on a hot day or near the cooker.